Essay 2 - Argumentative Research Paper

After reading “Up Against Walmart” and “Progressive Walmart. Really” compose an essay arguing that Walmart is beneficial to Americans and should remain in business OR arguing that Walmart has harmed America and should be boycotted (or describe other action that should be taken). Remember: you MUST take a side – your essay cannot argue both sides. That being said, you need to remember to enter into the conversation. There is a “they say” already taking place, in what you read in class, in other readings you have done, and in our class debate. Find a way to enter into this discussion.

Your essay should present your opinion (your argument) and then should support it with a number of points (remember, your opinion is not strong enough support – you need facts and quotes to back up your points). Each of these points could be divided into 1-3 paragraphs. You should end with a strong conclusion. You must include at least 4 quotes and need to utilize at least six scholarly resources (which you will collect in preparation for the in class debate). You also must reference one of the two articles (“Up Against Walmart” or “Progressive Walmart. Really”) and need to include a personal experience at or with Walmart. If you have never been to Walmart or do not have a personal experience there, then you need to find someone who has and briefly interview them. This “experience” needs to support your argument. Feel free to include ideas and topics brought up during the class debate in your essay as well.

Your essay should have:
1. A suitable title
2. A suitable introduction
3. A clearly stated thesis expressing your opinion, placed at the end of your introduction
4. A clear argument backed up with strong support
5. Distinct paragraphs stating and fully developing relevant main points supporting your thesis
6. Appropriate topic sentences
7. At least 4 parenthetical references properly cited in MLA format, with at least one quote from one of the two required readings on the topic
8. A minimum of 6 scholarly sources
9. A personal experience that supports your argument
10. Appropriate transitional words and phrases linking the ideas expressed in your sentences and paragraphs
11. A suitable conclusion
12. A properly formatted Works Cited page
1. To share your opinion about the subject in an argumentative fashion
2. To practice critical and analytical reading, writing, and thinking skills
3. To practice stating and developing thesis statements
4. To practice research and analysis
5. To practice the recursive process of writing
6. To effectively employ the MLA format

• 4 FULL pages minimum—double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font. Composing an essay that is under 4 full pages will result in a grade deduction.
• MLA-style format for short papers (see format guidelines in The Little, Brown Handbook)
• Proper spacing and margins (standard 1-inch margins and NO spaces between paragraphs). Points will be deducted if essays do not meet MLA guidelines for format.

Remember, this essay is due in class on March 21, 2011. One letter grade will be deducted for each day an essay is late. If you will be absent on the day an essay is due, it MUST be emailed to prior to the start of class and a hardcopy must be submitted at the following class. Your essay MUST also be submitted to SafeAssign or at least 10 points (one letter grade) will be deducted.


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