Essay 4 - Argumentative Research Paper

Essay 4 asks that you make a claim (an argument, which will be initially presented in your thesis statement and later explicated) and support it with significant evidence (research, in the form of facts, figures, quotes, statistics, examples, etc.). This research and writing project challenges you to explore and respond to a topic that is up for debate, which means that you need to enter into a conversation that is taking place and argue a side. What are other people saying about this subject? In what ways do you agree and disagree? Consider topics that are up for debate currently (for example, look at our class collection of opinion articles for ideas).

You will be doing significant independent research prior to writing. You should then organize your argument in an outline before writing a well-organized essay of at least 5 pages. Your essay should be between 5 and 8 pages, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. It must be focused, specific, and organized, and it needs to clearly demonstrate research and, most importantly, your well-supported opinion. You are not merely reading and then reiterating information; you must process and analyze what you read and make your own assertions. This essay requires you to read, write, and think critically.

Your topic MUST be approved. Your topic needs to be posted on Blackboard by Wednesday, April 6 and your first four sources need to be posted by Monday, April 11.

You must consult at least 8 scholarly sources (you will be submitting an annotated bibliography on Wednesday, April 13). At least 4 of these sources need to be used in your essay, either with a direct quote (that is easily integrated and clearly relates to your argument) or with a summary (remember: everything needs to be properly cited in MLA format).

Here are four guiding questions that you need to think about when selecting the question you want to explore:
1. Is your question/issue/focus something that people can and do debate?
2. Is your question/issue/focus important? Why? To whom?
3. Is this question/issue/focus big enough—can you make it big enough to matter?
This is the big “So what?” of writing.
4. How does what you are saying contribute to the pre-existing conversation/debate about this issue?
You probably will not be able to answer these questions immediately, but keep them in mind when you select a topic. Do not write about something that is self-evident and most people know about already.

Your essay should have:
1. A suitable title
2. A suitable introduction
3. A clearly stated thesis expressing your opinion, placed at the end of your introduction
4. Distinct paragraphs stating and fully developing relevant main points supporting your thesis
5. Appropriate topic sentences
6. At least 4 parenthetical references (properly cited in the MLA format)
7. Appropriate transitional words and phrases linking the ideas expressed in your sentences and paragraphs
8. A suitable conclusion
9. A properly formatted Works Cited page

• 5-8 pages—double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font
• MLA-style format for short papers (see format guidelines in The Bedford Handbook)

This essay will be worth 25% of your final course grade
The following must be completed before you submit your Formal Essay for grading:
• Rough Draft
• Peer Revision Worksheet
• Writer-Instructor Conference
• SafeAssign Submission

1. Your instructor: I am available to work with you to address any challenges that you may encounter in the course of doing this assignment. You can either meet with me during my office hours or by appointment.
2. Your peers: You will get feedback from your peers during peer review workshops. To benefit from these workshops, you must be present in class with your drafts when they are due. (Points will be deducted if you fail to submit your drafts.)
3. CLC in Duncan Hall 210: Take your essay to the CLC for revising for an additional 2 points added to your essay grade. Attach the CLC sheet to your final essay.

Library Research Day: Wednesday 4-6 Annotated bibliography: Wednesday 4-13
Submit topic idea(s): Wednesday 4-6 The other side/naysayer due: TBA
Submit 4 sources: Monday 4-11 Rough draft due: Monday 4-25
Essay 4 presentations: Wednesday 4-13 Required conferences: 4-27 through 5-4

Essay 4 DUE: Wednesday, May 11


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