
Since the day I went to live in America, many times I saw the pictures of American families gathered around the dinner praying and thank for the good luck they are entitled.  At first, I thought that was their religious, then I realized that was beyond the religious belief and and became a cultural identity . An identity reminds people not to forget the source , not forget the difficult days of our ancestors and to sympathy with the less fortunate people, the immigrants who came to America to breathe free.  As the lofty words carved into the base of the Statue of  Liberty in New York City

 "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Statue of Liberty may be the most recognizable statue in the world and is an icon of freedom and opportunity for immigrants to the U.S. 

Thanks God for a prosperity life.
Thanks parents for bringing me to life.
Thanks America for opening me a door for to find a home in this nation and giving me opportunity.
Thanks to all of my friends who share with me joy and sorrow, mobilize and encourage me in dealing with the difficulty of daily life.
Special thanks to my two beautiful daughters my love, my pride, my happiness and joy.
And thanks to special someone who give me trust and love, bring me joy and happiness, thank you for being mine.

Wish all have a happy and warm Thanksgiving.


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