Echeveria lilacina

Description: It is a larger but slow growing Echeveria, that forms very neat rosettes. It remain often solitary or rarely offsets with age.
Rosettes: Flat, sculpted with a somewhat "rosebud" shape about 12-20 cm across.
Leaves: Plump, symmetrically arranged, up-curved, spoon shaped, with a fine point. Thy are silvery-grey, almost white, pearlescent with a particularly blue hue and take a delicate blush of lilac or purple in full sun. The colour is due to a powdery waxy coating. Rosette gives the impression of alabaster wax suffused with violet.
Flowers: Blooms are very showy, and emerge on reddish, arching, but relatively low (15 cm) stems, compared to many other Echeverias. The flowers are pale pink to pale orange or coral red.
Blooming season: Later winter/early spring. 


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