The Changing Traditional Male Role

In most societies, from West to East, then and now, men have had conducted a traditionally dominant role over female one. Social life has been established based on male values.

In asserting that dominant role, a man has been expected to be first a pillar of the family. Once getting married, he is in charge of providing his family's needs. Being hard-working and finacially successful are man's norms. His obligations to secure the well-being and protection for his wife and children are considered a matter of course. In oder to affirm his dominant role, a man has to learn form his childhood to be assertive and competitive, the qualities required for going ahead; to conceal feelings of weakness such as emotions; to deny signs of failure such as doubt or compromise. He also is expected to be aggressive in his heterosexual activity. Finally, he needs to be in control of any situation and circumstance.

The responsibilities assigned to the male role can be a source of stress and anxiety to men. Many men see the male role too demanding and also limit the ability of women and then well come the changes in female role. These men seek a new male ideal who is less geared toward competition and dominance, thus liberated from the burdens of tradional masculinity, specially in this too stressful modern life.

After all, all human beings are created equal, why should men continue to maintain their superiority and advantage over women? And a consistent and strong man is not afraid and loose confidence to see the changing in traditional female role and the equal rights and chances for women. That is the man most women want to have in life.

"Many men, especially those who seek a new male ideal, welcome the changes in the female role as a liberation from the burdens of tradition masculinity." (Bridging the Gap - Third Edition - Brenda D. Smith)



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