Essay 3 - Persuasive Letter

What is the most important issue to you today? Lawmakers need to know what matters to the people who elected them to office. Therefore, in a letter, write to persuade one of your legislators to take action on an issue that is important to you (you could urge them to vote for a bill, change a law, etc).

Your letter must contain specific, scholarly facts, and must persuade using all three elements of rhetorical persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos. You need to also include at least two scholarly quotes supporting your points.
Include relevant facts and figures that enhance your argument to build logos, as well as a very brief, personal story about how this issue affects you or someone you know. This can be a nice way to establish ethos and pathos.
Your letter should be 1 ½ pages in length (single spaced and proper business letter format). It needs to stick to one issue and it must state its purpose in the first paragraph.

If you are writing about a specific bill, you must identify it. You need to be able to provide important facts and information that support your opinion. Remember, you are trying to help a legislator understand your point of view and agree with you.

Your essay should:
1. Follow standard business letter format
2. Have a suitable introduction
3. Clearly express your opinion (your thesis)
4. Have distinct paragraphs stating and fully developing relevant main
points supporting your thesis
5. Utilize all three elements of rhetorical persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos)
6. Include two scholarly quotes (properly cited in MLA format)
7. Include a brief personal reference – in no more than 4 sentences, why is
this issue important to you?
8. Have appropriate transitional words and phrases linking the ideas
expressed in your sentences and paragraphs
9. Have a suitable conclusion
10.Have a properly formatted Works Cited page

1. To practice critical and analytical reading, writing, and thinking skills
2. To practice stating and developing thesis statements
3. To practice the recursive process of writing
4. To effectively employ the MLA format
5. To effectively persuade

• 1.5 pages—single-spaced
• Standard business letter format
• MLA-style format for short papers (see format guidelines in The Bedford
• Times New Roman—size 12 font

Old penguin


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