The Power of a Hug

Here is an article I wanted to share from

Nothing says it quite like a hug!
It is a universal symbol.
Healing is sometimes about simply having someone hold you in their arms and feeling their love - caring - and compassion.... knowing there is someone there who shares your journey and will be there for you.

To many souls - reality is a lonely, painful experience - with nowhere to turn.
A hug is a way to share both good and bad times with others. A hug can create a connection that one cannot express in words.

A hug is not affected by age, race, or anything that separates human experience.
A hug can say, "I love you. You are special to me. I see your soul and you are beautiful to me."
Even a small hug generally makes everyone feel good.
A hug can make one feel safe and secure.
It can lift our spirits and make us smile.

Some people are not comfortable with the physical embrace - yet a quick hug can go a long way.
A hug is meant for everyone. Animals hug each other and humans.
A hug can say, "You are not alone."
Hugs can involve more than one person sharing their energies.
We often express the hug in the written word using universal symbology. 'X' - As is above - So is below,
'O' Zero - Zero Point - Union of Soul
The energy of a hug goes on forever through many levels of expression.
Hugs can have a creational message. Many people like to hug a tree.
It is a connection with nature - the natural flow of events - and the symbolic Tree of Life - our soul spark.
Hugs - the union of our soul aspects.
Hug someone today.


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